为改善空气质量,减少尾气排放,加州政府特别推出一项“旧车回收资助计划” Consumer Assistance Program 。
加州“旧车回收资助计划” 6月30日截止申请。在线申请:https://www.bar.ca.gov/consumer/Consumer_Assistance_Program/
查看您的车辆是否符合资助计划 (点击后显示“对车辆本身的要求”的内容)
- 最新的一次SMOG检查不过,以SMOG检查店提供的不超过180天的检查报告为准
- 不能是在加州首次注册或再注册的车辆
- 不能是正在转车主的车辆
- 车主不能注册在生意business、车队fleet或非营利机构名下
- 车辆必须零部件完整,如果因零部件不完整,导致DMV拒绝予以注册的,或salvaged报废的车辆不行
- 载人的车辆及货车truck、SUV或Van,只要载重量不超过10000磅的都可以
- 车辆必须是现阶段已在DMV注册的,拥有没过有效期的sticker,如果还没有sticker,但所有的DMV费用已付,并且距离下一次注册费用到期不超过120天的
- 车辆必须在当前注册到期日之前连续两年在加州注册,并且在这两年内注册失效时间不得超过 120 天
- 申请本回收资助者必须是车主本人
- 如果车主证上的名字只有一个人,那么申请者只能退役一辆车;如果车主证上是与其它人共有,并且共有该车辆超过12个月,则可以退役两辆
- 回收车辆需靠自己的动力开到SMOG inspection station上的,熄火之后能再次打着火的
家庭收入低于或等于联邦发布的贫困线的225% (见下表)
Number of Persons in Family | Maximum ANNUAL Gross Household Income | Maximum MONTHLY Gross Household Income | |
1 | $28,980 | OR | $2,415 |
2 | $39,195 | OR | $3,266 |
3 | $49,410 | OR | $4,117 |
4 | $59,625 | OR | $4,968 |
5 | $69,840 | OR | $5,820 |
6 | $80,055 | OR | $6,671 |
7 | $90,270 | OR | $7,522 |
8 | $100,485 | OR | $8,373 |
For families with more than 8 persons, add the following amount for each individual. | $10,215 | OR | $850 |
Income/Benefits You Receive | Acceptable Documentation | |
1 | Public Assistance | A letter from issuing agency or bank statement verifying public assistance (e.g., Cal Fresh, CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, or SSI) funds issued to you within the past 60 days. |
2 | Unemployment, Disability, or Veteran’s Benefits | A letter, check stub, or bank statement verifying funds issued to you within the past 60 days. |
3 | Social Security | A letter, check, or bank statement verifying funds issued to you within the past 60 days. |
4 | Earned Wages – Tax Form AND Paycheck Stub | Your Federal Tax Form 1040 or State Tax Form 540 filed in the most recent tax year AND a copy of a paycheck stub issued to you within the past 60 days reflecting your year-to-date earnings, hours worked, and hourly wage. |
5 | None of the Above – Wage History Report | If you do not have documentation verifying your income eligibility, submit a Wage History Report Request to the Employment Development Department (EDD) requesting verification of your reported wages, even if $0, for the last four available quarters. Within four weeks of receiving your request, EDD will mail you a Wage History Report. Upon receipt, you must submit this report to BAR/CAP for your application to be processed. |